FERTIL is a protein fertiliser which contains 12.5% completely organic nitrogen and 40% organic carbon. It is composed of 100% of Agrogel®, a hydrolysed gelatine for agricultural use, obtained through an innovative thermal hydrolysis process called FCH® (Fully Controlled Hydrolysis). All the organic carbon in FERTIL is extractable, therefore all the nitrogen is bioavailable and slow-releasing for the plants. FERTIL is in pellet formulation, it has a sub-acid pH and very low salinity.
How is it used?
FERTIL is easily distributed with normal spreaders over the entire cultivated area or locally on the row. It can also be left unburied, since the protein nature of the nitrogen it contains prevents loss not only due to leaching but also to volatilisation. FERTIL can be applied to all kinds of crops at the vegetative restart or during post-harvest on trees, in pre-sowing or pre-transplanting on vegetables, in pre-sowing or coverage for extensive crops. The dosages vary according to the type of application, the crop and the type of soil.
What benefits does it provide?
- It contains 100% efficient and prolonged release nitrogen, thereby satisfying all the nitrogen requirements of the crops in a single solution;
- It increases the microbiological fertility of the soil, thereby favouring the absorption of other elements too;
- It is not subject to losses due to leaching and/or volatilisation, thereby avoiding economic waste and environmental damage;
- It is totally natural and is also allowed in organic farming.